There is a certain design that lends itself to time.
One does not get tired of seeing it, and it gradually becomes more and more comfortable and compatible with, everything. The AY Clock has built this reputation over a decade in Japan. Its charm lies in the font, Garamond.
Named for sixteenth-century Parisian engraver Claude Garamond, Garamond-style typefaces are used commonly worldwide. It has gone through only minute changes in modern times while having an increasing impact through the Internet Age. The classic font is now used as a standard font for the Latin alphabet often in book printing and body text.
With the AY Clock, hour numbers in Garamond are in bold, extra-large size overlapping each other in some areas. This "large-sized" disposition by design makes the AY especially easy to read, from any angle, near or far.
Along with Lemnos' signature red second hand, an attractive and decorative unity comes to light for any space. The design, made with carefully chosen colors and exquisite plywood the size of a large 12" thin tambourine drum, makes AY an easy to see, elegant, classically modern timepiece from Lemnos.
Size: φ12" × d2"
Weight: 1.65 lbs
Material: Plywood, Glass